November 2020 Newsletter
Greetings to all -
Well, "is it over yet?” If you are reading this, it must be November finally. I have to say that 2020 has been one of the most horrific years that I can remember. First, we have Covid-19 to fight through. I’m sure, like us, that you have people working from home and folks quarantined that have come in contact with folks that have tested positive. The good news is... it sounds like a vaccine is around the corner. Is it over? No, but hopefully we can see some light in this very long tunnel. Secondly, we have had the biggest fires in the history of our state. The East Troublesome Fire was approximately ¾ of a mile from our shop in Granby two weeks ago. I can say confidently these fires are over, with 60-70% containment because of the recent snows. At least for this, I have quit stressing about the fires until next summer. The last piece for 2020 that isn’t over yet, is the political turmoil that continues in our country and lives. This topic I could write pages on, but I would bore you. Let’s pray that this too becomes bad history soon.
On to roofing news. First, we are now hearing reports of large commercial material and equipment thefts. As you know from past articles, this has been more of a problem on residential projects the past five or six years. According to a Dec 22, 2019 article by Denver7-CBS, Denver Police alone had reported 49 roofing material thefts in the first 11 months of 2019. I am sure the number along the whole Front Range and state was and is much larger. We know from looking into the residential thefts, that there is a secondary market that’s made up of these people who commit the thefts, others who buy shingles and don’t ask questions and/or re-sell them to other people for a discounted price and/or to unsuspecting home/building owners. Why? Huge profits. Those contractors who use this secondary market are underbidding legitimate roofing companies.
It seemed that these thefts had subsided in recent months, but now we are hearing they have moved to larger scale commercial projects. Two of our commercial members, Tecta and Bauen, have been hit with large losses. We as an association need to get this stopped immediately. Talk to your subs and employees and share the information with the CRA. We have a large network to get the message out. “We’re coming to get you!”
(Debbie also included tips for jobsite security in the Safety section below as a reminder for all of you to be vigilant).
I am also truly sorry to announce that the Board made the difficult decision to cancel both the January Trade Show and February Awards Dinner for 2021 because of Covid-19 indoor event limitations and restrictions. Disappointing, but necessary. I will personally miss both of these; I look forward to these events to catch up and see all my roofing buddies.
Last, if you are short on required CIU points, here are some additional good opportunities to get caught up before the end of the year. Complete details for each are in newsletter below.
On Nov 19, we have a virtual lunch webinar on Keeping Employees Safe: Paid Sick Leave - employment law changes in Colorado.
On Dec 8, we will have a virtual lunch webinar featuring a Colorado Legislative Update - election results and what businesses can expect in 2021.
On Dec 16 we have a virtual pinpoint webinar with Mark Graham of NRCA with a Roofing Technical update that both residential and commercial contractors will benefit from.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. Continue to stay safe, stay healthy.
Jeff Johnston
The Roofing Company
CRA President
A BIG THANK YOU to our 2020 Sponsors!
2020 Industry Leader Sponsors | |
A to Z Roofing | Flatiron Steel |
ABC Supply Co. | Front Range Roofing Systems |
Academy Roofing, Inc. | GAF Materials |
Advanced Roofing Technologies | GCP Applied Technologies |
Alpine Roofing LTD | Gulfeagle Supply |
American Roofing Supply | Horn Brothers Roofing, Inc. |
APOC | Interstate Roofing |
Arapahoe Roofing & Sheet Metal | Johns Manville |
Architectural Sheet Metal & Panels | K & P Roofing LLC |
B & M Roofing of Colorado | Malarkey Roofing Products |
Beacon Building Products | Moody Insurance Agency |
Black Roofing, Inc. | Owens Corning |
Boral Roofing | Pinnacol Assurance |
Boulder Roofing, Inc. | SPEC Building Materials |
CertainTeed | Superoofs |
Daly & Black P.C. | Supreme Roofing Done Right, LLC |
Drexel Metals | Tamko Building Products |
Elite Roofing | Tecta America - Colorado |
Elite Roofing Supply - CO, LLC | The Roofing Company |
2020 Silver Sponsors | |
Cleasby Manufacturing | RTP Roofing Co. |
Cotney Construction Law | Schafer and Company |
F-Wave |
Sheffield Metals |
Reminder | Mandatory CIU Requirement
The CRA Board of Directors would like to share a friendly reminder with all our contractor members on the mandatory requirement.
CIU requirement you must meet by Dec 31, 2020 for membership renewal in 2021.
What are CIUs? The CRA Board continually looks for ways to strengthen the value and benefits of being a part of the CRA. Education is one of our core values and the Board feels education is highly important to advancing and improving our profession. That is why we implemented the Continuing Involvement Requirement for Members (CIUs) at the beginning of 2017. We would like to see our entire membership get more involved and to participate in the many association activities provided throughout each year.
We have made it very simple to earn the 8 required CIU credits. The requirement is per company not per person. Please click the links below to search your company to check your current CIUs for 2020 (located in your company profile on the membership directory) and for our informational CIU flyer on how to earn your CIUs.
- Search your company in member directory to see how many CIUs you have.
- Continuing Involvement Requirement Factsheet
Last, below is a link to our Event Calendar. We have several opportunities the rest of this Fall to help you reach the required CIUs by Dec 31, 2020. (Calendar Note: On some events, please be sure to save the date on your calendar if registration is not open yet and look for chances to sign-up in the monthly newsletters or a future event specific email announcement).
Virtual Member Lunch: Paid Sick Leave
Find out how to effectively get your safety message to employees/subs and make it stick!!
Grab your lunch and sit down at your office or your HOME OFFICE to join us for a virtual conversation with Jim Smallwood, Colorado State Senator & President of Employee Benefits at Moody Insurance Agency. We are all exhausted after November 3rd and the information over load from all sides. Jim is here to give background, clarification and direction as it relates to significant changes coming to Employers and Employees in our State - specifically with paid sick leave.
- What is HFWA? What is FAMLI?
- HFWA will require employers with 16 or more employees to provide sick leave starting January 1, 2021; what do I need to do?
- If an employer has an existing Paid Time Off (PTO) policy, would that satisfy the requirements of HFWA or FAMLI?
- Does my company need to extend HFWA leave to part-time, temporary, and seasonal employees?
- Are non-employees, such as independent contractors, eligible to participate in either program?
- How do these acts relate to Covid-19 requirements and/or leave guidelines?
These are just a few questions we have. We are sure you all have some too. Come join us, get informed and be prepared for the upcoming months and new year! You can even submit your questions beforehand in an effort to get Jim’s professional opinion.
Thursday, November 19, 2020
Zoom Webinar
Cost = Free
Noon to 1:00 p.m.
Please Pre-Register now. This pre-registration then gives you the link you will need to use to call-in on Thursday and also the ability to add it to your calendar.
Register Now!
CRA Member CIU’s = 2 per person.
Legislative Fundraiser: Online Silent Auction
CRA's Advocacy Committee invites you to participate in our Holiday Shopping Spree!
Now thru Dec 14
Member participation in past fundraising events secured a victory for CCC in 2019 with the passage of SB138-Bond Requirements For Public Projects using Private Financing. Help us continue this success as we work to protect and advocate for subcontractors in 2021. Specifically, supporting our legislative efforts as we pursue PRIVATE Retainage Reform in 2021!
Shop Now | Check back often | Update your bid | New items added
Be sure to share this link with colleagues, coworkers & employees.
Virtual Member Lunch: 2020 Election Report
What is the impact to you and your business?
Grab your lunch and sit down at your office or your HOME OFFICE to join us for a virtual conversation with Amber Valdez, Valdez Public Affairs featuring 2020 election results and analysis, impacts to your business and what's coming in 2021.
Tuesday, December 8, 2020
Zoom Webinar
Cost = Free
Noon to 1:00 p.m.
Please Pre-Register now. This pre-registration then gives you the link you will need to use to call-in on Thursday and also the ability to add it to your calendar.
Register Now!
CRA Member CIU’s = 2 per person.
Registration to open soon! In the meantime, block the time and day on your calendar!
Webinar: Roofing Technical Update by Mark Graham
Attention Residential & Commercial Contractors!
You don't want to miss this opportunity to stay on top of the ever-changing technical side of the roofing industry. Mark is one of our most popular presenters and can easily be called one of the industry's most knowledgeable and respected experts in roofing and waterproofing. It is vital to maintain a current understanding of building codes and realize how significantly they impact the roofing, waterproofing, and sheet metal sectors of our industry.
Key areas that will be covered in this technical workshop include:
- IBC 2021 roofing-related requirements (will be published in Dec.)
- FM Very Severe Hail (VSH)
- MB sheet testing and concerns
- Synthetic underlayment testing and issues
- And more...
Wednesday, Dec 16, 2020
Zoom Webinar
2:00 - 3:30 pm
Cost: $30/per member and $60/non-member per session.
*Zoom meeting details will be emailed upon registration.
Register Now!
CRA Member CIU’s = 2 per person.
2021 Event Cancellations
Unfortunately, due to the ever-changing and unpredictable nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have made the difficult but necessary decision to cancel our Trade Show that was to be held on January 28, 2021 at the Denver Mart and our live portion of the Awards Dinner that was to be held on February 18, 2021 at the Westin Westminster.
We did not come to either of these decisions lightly. The Trade Show is about getting our vendors in front of roofing contractors to talk face-to-face, showcase new products, etc. The Awards Dinner is about recognizing the good work we do each year and to showcase all the nominated projects and winners. Just as important to both events is coming together in-person for the camaraderie and networking. We would not be able to do this in 2021 and include everyone. We also did not feel a virtual format would be an adequate substitution for either event. For these reasons, the 2021 Trade Show and in-person 2021 Awards Dinner have been canceled.
BUT... the Awards Dinner 2020 Job of the Year nomination process will continue!
Submit your 2020 Outstanding Job of the Year Projects!
While the live dinner is canceled, the project submission process is not. We will be accepting awards nominations as normal with a submission deadline that has been extended to Jan 15, followed by the judging on Jan 22 and winners will be announced on February 18, 2020. The formal awards presentation will happen at the 2022 live event which will showcase both the 2020 & 2021 Job of Year Awards.
Learn more about eligibility and award categories here!
Click here to view the full 2020 Event Calendar – calendar includes additional event dates, member luncheons, pinpoint seminars, Training Center courses, etc.
November Election
Colorado saw record voter turnout across the state, easily surpassing 2016 levels. With multiple new employer mandates passed in the last legislative session, businesses can expect to see the costs of additional welfare programs shifted to them. New taxes and fees for businesses will also be very much on the table. We are working with our lobbyist to bring you a virtual lunch on Dec 8 to cover the election results, what is looks like for businesses and what to expect moving forward in 2021. Please add this to your calendars.
Fundraising Event
Unfortunately, due to Covid-19 heightened restrictions, we had to cancel our Top Golf Fundraiser that was to be held Nov 12. Instead we are moving back to an Online Silent Auction. The Holiday Shopping Spree Online Action is being held now through Dec 14.
Proceeds from the Online Silent Auction will help us raise money for our joint legislative efforts including funding a lobbyist, legislator and industry communication and participation in industry coalitions and organizations. Your company will be recognized for your generosity! Please consider making a donation! It's a good opportunity for your business and name recognition as we encourage members to do a little pre-holiday shopping all while donating to a worthy cause.
Items include kids' scooters, Xbox, golf packages, vacation get-a-ways and more!
Thanks, and please reach out if you are aware of other legislation not discussed above that needs to be shared with the membership.
Jeff Johnston
The Roofing Company
Gov't Relations Committee Chair
This is a valuable member benefit. Simply sign into your CRA member portal to receive instant access to free reports that hold the most valuable address specific building codes for roofers.
Ready to get started? Click below to pull your first report!
Click HERE to get your free report
If you don't know your CRA login, click here for instructions on how to activate/create your account. ** You can pull more than one report at a time, but you must return to the CRA Code page to enter each address.
The following city and/or counties have made updates/announcements this past month.
This month's Building Code updates/notices:
Brighton, City of | 2018 Code Adoption - On October 6, 2020, the Brighton City Council approved the adoption of the 2018 International Building Codes. The adopted codes will become effective January 1, 2021. More Info.
Routt County | 2018 Code Adoption - On January 1st, 2021 the 2018 Building Codes will replace The Routt County Regional Building Department current 2015 Building Codes. More info.
Have you heard of any upcoming building code changes with any of the municipalities you work with? Please share them with us by emailing the BC&S Committee via Debbie at
WELCOME 1 New Members(s)…
PABCO Roofing Products, 27775 East Moraine Drive Aurora, CO 80016, Ph: (719) 666-2444, (Manufacturer Rep).
Happy Birthday to Ed Reilly - 95 years strong!!
Ed Reilly was our 2004 CRA Lifetime Achievement Honoree and a proud World War II vet. Ed gave nearly half a century of his life working with and helping people to be successful in the roofing industry here in Colorado. He was a key individual in building the residential roofing market in not only Colorado but the Western US Region. In the process of helping improve the industry, he built lasting friendships with many of you. A true asset to our industry.
Ed rarely missed an Awards Dinner over the years and it is always good to see him and have the opportunity to catch up with an old friend.
November 18th is a special day and we are happy to celebrate with Ed! This is no ordinary day for this extraordinary individual. If you would like to wish Ed a Happy 95th, email a video to Chris Reilly and he will share your special wishes with his Dad.
Happy Birthday Ed from all of us at CRA!!

Colorado Lien Law Deadlines and Procedure Document
By: Hendrick, Phillips, Salzman & Siegel
Nov 17, 2020 - Courtesy of Hendrick, Phillips, Salzman & Siegel, we are sharing a Colorado Lien Deadlines and Procedures document they recently compiled to establish and prosecute lien claims in Colorado.
It is critical that contractors adhere to the lien deadlines and procedures if there is a payment problem. Far more often than not (unless there is a building foreclosure by the construction lender), the proper filing of a lien will result eventually in payment to the contractor, but the lien deadlines and procedures must be followed as they are normally strictly enforced.
For a copy of the document, please email Debbie Hathorne/CRA and she will send it to you.
Theft: 7 Ways Contractors Can Improve Construction Site Safety
Protect Your Construction Equipment by Preventing Theft
Theft on the construction site is a growing problem for many contractors. It’s estimated that stolen construction equipment and materials account for up to $1 billion a year in losses.
Theft often occurs because construction tools and machinery are left in plain sight and more easily accessible to would-be criminals. Plus, there isn’t a national registration database, like the DMV, that automatically registers construction equipment. This means when law enforcement tries to recover any stolen equipment, they can’t identify who it belongs to. While these factors make theft a real threat to contractors, there are a number of steps you can take to prevent it on your jobsite.
1. Keep It Well Lit
Having a well-lit construction site is one of the most important (and easiest) actions you can take. Thieves want to remain unseen. Also, most jobsite thefts are committed by employees or other people who know their way around the site in the dark. By illuminating your jobsite, most thieves will seek an easier, less visible target.
2. Have a Surveillance System in Place
Make it known that your construction site is being monitored by placing security cameras or motion sensors at the jobsite. Here are some things to consider with cameras and motion sensors:
Security Cameras:
Many cameras run on batteries or solar power, making them a good fit for construction sites with limited access to electricity. This also gives you the freedom to place the camera where you want without having to worry about a power source.
Some security cameras come equipped with Wi-Fi and text alerts, allowing you to see the activity on the jobsite in real time. Text alerts are sent when the camera detects movement, which gives you the opportunity to alert the authorities right away. For ideas on types of security cameras look here.
Motion Sensors:
A lower-cost option, motion sensors will use less energy than cameras and are more sensitive to movement. When the sensors detect movement in the area the lights will turn on to draw more attention to the jobsite, which could indicate a theft in progress. Whether using security cameras or motion sensors, consider placing them along the perimeter of the jobsite or near the work trailer. There are many different types of motion sensors, so be sure to check out options like these to find one that best fits your construction site.
Full Story: ABC Supply Blog (
National Update: Worth sharing …
November 2020 10@10
- Presidential election called for Joe Biden. With three states—Georgia, North Carolina and Alaska—left to be called, former Vice President Joe Biden surpassed 270 electoral votes to secure the presidency.
- Senate appears likely to stay in Republican hands. Control of the Senate next year is uncertain, but if Georgia re-elects one of its two incumbent senators during a runoff election Jan 5., 2021, Republicans likely will retain control narrowly.
- House Democrats retain control, but majority narrows. House control will remain under Democrat leadership in 2021, with results in roughly 20 races still outstanding as their majority is expected to narrow by about 10 seats.
- Congressional COVID-19 pandemic response. Shortly after the election, Sen. Mitch McConnell said he believes Congress should pass a COVID-19 relief package during the lame duck session, potentially coupled with a year-end funding bill required by Dec. 11 to keep the government open.
- SBA “loan necessity questionnaire” for Paycheck Protection Program borrowers. On Oct. 26, the Small Business Administration announced it will require supplemental information to be used to evaluate the good faith certification for PPP loans of $2 million or more.
- Judge orders the Small Business Administration to release names of all Paycheck Protection Program borrowers and the precise amounts. On Nov. 5, a federal judge ruled the SBA must release detailed information for all PPP loans, including the names of borrowers and precise loan amounts, by Nov. 19.
- IRS provides tax inflation adjustments for tax year 2021. On Oct. 26, the IRS released Revenue Procedure 2020-45, which provides updated inflation adjustments for tax year 2021 for numerous items in the Internal Revenue Code, including section 179 expensing.
- Department of Labor Enforcement Policy. On Sept. 24, Deputy Secretary of Labor Patrick Pizzella issued a memorandum stating “enforcement agencies should not issue news releases before achieving a successful outcome” in agency enforcement proceedings.
- President Trump’s Executive Order 13950—Combating Race and Sex Stereotyping. In late September, President Trump signed EO 13950, which intends to combat offensive and anti-American race and sex stereotyping and scapegoating.
- Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation and Pandemic Unemployment Assistance expire in December. Two unemployment benefit programs provided for in the CARES Act are set to expire in December without additional legislation from Congress.
Source: NRCA.NET
This month’s highlighted member benefits and tools
ADVISORY NOTICE: Roofing Contractors Must Not Act as Public Adjusters – Check Your Contract Language
The CRA Board of Directors has issued an advisory with additional information and details about these public adjuster clauses we have seen being used in Colorado that basically state that the roofing contractor may negotiate or act as a public adjuster on behalf of the owner. This is against Colorado’s Residential Roofing Law (SB38) and it is required that you must be a licensed public adjuster before you take on this role. Click here to view the advisory.
Concerning Ladder Liability. Help us in educating consumers and concerned citizens about the liability and risks involved with unattended ladders set for inspectors.
CRA Safety Group Workers’ Comp Program. Receive a 4%-upfront discount, group or individual loss history dividend calculation and much, much more. Members of the program automatically belong to the CRA Safety Group whose focus is on continuing safety education and training and improving safety in the roofing community. In partnership with Moody Insurance Agency and Pinnacol Assurance. Call Kim Burkhardt. at 303-824-6600 to receive additional information regarding this program.
RoofersCoffeeShop Free Classified Ad. RoofersCoffeeShop is the premier networking site in the roofing industry, helping contractors find information, materials, services, tools, labor and training in one place. Share ideas and stories in our RCS Forum, and visit their classified ads section to sell and find items and get help. Use promo code CRA for your FREE classified ad.
Delivery of the E-Newsletter to Your Inbox
To guarantee delivery of the newsletter to your e-mail inbox each month, we ask that you add Debbie Hathorne to your address book using the following email: By adding this address to your contact list, we hope to avoid spam blockers/junk mail folders and ensure your receipt of the CRA newsletter in your inbox each month. Thank you.
© 2005-2020- Colorado Roofing Association