
Consumer Member Member : Newsletters

PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE ARROWS. Sometimes owning a company feels like you’re standing out in a big, empty field and arrows are being shot at...

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Join us on June 4 and connect with Colorado’s roofing industry professionals. Come find out the latest products and new trends,...

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PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE SALES. I don’t know how sales in your business went in 2020, but I know for our company, it was year-long struggle to...

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PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Awards. Who among us doesn’t love to receive an award? It’s nice to be recognized for something extraordinary...

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PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Thefts! That word describes what’s happening in the roofing industry in Colorado right now. We have a group of thieves...

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PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE February! In the Colorado roofing industry, February is almost a bad word. The weather challenges are many and the...

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PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Welcome to 2021 - the year we thought would never come. We all have high expectations for the New Year after the dumpster...

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Our Members are the foundation of CRA’s success, growth and progress each year. As we close another year, we gratefully pause to say...

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PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Greetings to all - Well, "is it over yet?” If you are reading this, it must be November finally. I have to say that...

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PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Greetings to all - As I write this letter to you today, our county, Grand County is saturated with forest fires. We have a new...

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PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Greetings to all - First, I want to thank our past President, Ray Phillips for putting together last month’s newsletter...

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