If you are on this page and have not registered yet, PLEASE REGISTER NOW so we have your badge waiting.
Thank you for joining us on January 23 to connect with the Colorado roofing industry!
The Show offers a prime opportunity to broaden and reinforce your professional and personal networks, while also keeping you and your team up to date on the latest developments in Colorado's roofing industry..
Thursday, January 23, 2025
11:00 AM - 3:00 PM (MST)
Arapahoe County Event Center (Directions)
25690 East Quincy Avenue
Aurora, CO 80016-2026
(E-470 & Quincy Exit)
Check-in at the Pre-Registered desk upon arrival; your badge will be waiting for you. Then, enjoy:
Not pre-registered? Just bring a business card to the door and onsite registration volunteers will take care of you.
Photo Booth Sponsored by GAF - #413
(NW Corner of Exhibit Hall)
Take a team photo! Take an individual photo! Just have fun!!
Workshop Schedule
Seminars are sold out, but walk-in's are welcome; there will be room.
VIP Room (north side of lunch area)
What's new with OSHA (Pre Show Seminar)
This is a 30-minute “OSHA Update” open discussion to highlight the current initiatives, statistics, inspection data, penalties, employer’s rights, and responsibilities during and after an OSHA inspection, etc., followed by a 15-minute bilingual (English/Spanish) Q&A at the end. (Members earn 2 CIUs per person.)
TRA: Snow Retention in Snow Country
This course presented by TRA Snow & Sun dives into the details of why snow retention is an important part of many roofs in Colorado. We will discuss the details you’ll need to engineer a system and important installation training. Raffle drawing at the end!
Debunking Digital Marketing Myths
Debunking Digital Marketing Myths: This session will address common misconceptions about digital marketing, helping local contractors take control of their strategy and avoid unreliable marketing companies. It will showcase case studies demonstrating how a clear strategy can scale a business or increase its value for sale. Presented by Red Barn Media.
Windmill Room (north side of exhibit area).
SRS Sales Closing Clinic (Pre Show)
The Sales Closing Clinic workshop is a focused workshop that helps salespeople address the 5-7 common objections they face. Participants will engage in role-play scenarios to practice strategies for overcoming objections and closing sales. This hands-on training boosts confidence and prepares salespeople to handle challenges effectively.
Solar Pathways: Removal/Reset Issues
Solar Pathways presents a webinar on overcoming common solar removal and reinstallation issues. Learn how proper preparation can prevent headaches, increase client satisfaction, and create market opportunities. Topics include: pre-existing solar warranties, system issues, replacement feet/hardware, new permitting, and choosing the right partner.
WESTLAKE: Growth of Sustainable Roofing
Exploring the Rapid Market Growth of Sustainable Roofing in Colorado. WESTLAKE will discuss changes in insurance coverages and why homeowners are seeking more resilient roofing materials. Giveaway: Sporting event tickets.
Door Prizes
Compliments of:
(Please check your badge for a circle dot, or just check the white board at the entrance for a list of winners.)
Safety Bucket
ABC Supply Co. (107-106)
Introduction to Roofing (1 Student)
Colorado Roofing Association (817)
1 Year Membership in CRA
(upon application approval)
Colorado Roofing Association (817)
Cleasby Manufacturing (412)
Safety Bucket
Elite Roofing Supply (813-814)
Grip Rite coil roof nailer bundle
PrimeSource Building Products, Inc. (200)
Thank you to our Sponsors
Lunch Sponsors:
Agency of Credit Control, Inc
American Roofing Supply
Beacon Building Supply
Eagle Roofing Products
F-Wave Roofing
Malarkey Roofing Products
Owens Corning
Bar & Stadium Cup Sponsors:
Elite Roofing Supply
Coffee Bar Sponsor:
BriteStreet Solar
Westlake Royal Roofing Solutions
Entrance Window Sponsor:
Entrance Tower Sponsor:
MacArthur Company - Denver
Entrance Bag Sponsor:
ABC Supply
Lanyard Sponsor:
Polyglass USA, Inc
Photo Booth Sponsor:
GAF Materials