If you are on this page and have not registered yet, PLEASE REGISTER NOW so we have your badge waiting.
Thanks for joining us on March 10 to connect with Colorado’s roofing industry!
The Show is a great networking opportunity for you to make and reaffirm business and personal contacts while educating you and your employees on the newest in Colorado’s roofing industry.
Thursday, March 10, 2022
11:00 AM - 3:00 PM (MST)
Arapahoe County Event Center (Directions)
25690 East Quincy Avenue
Aurora, CO 80016-2026
(E-470 & Quincy Exit)
Check-in at the Pre-Registered desk upon arrival - your badge will be waiting for you. Then, enjoy:

Workshop Schedule
Windmill Room (north side of exhibit area)
State of the Union in Manufacturing & GAF Timberline HDZ as well as what’s new with the company.
Westlake Royal Roofing Solutions
Benefits of Stone Coated Steel. Fire, Hail, Wind & Safety
Injury Care & Assoc.
Medical claim management process, claim communication, OSHA recordability and cost concerns regarding Workers’ Compensation claims.
VIP Room (north side of lunch area)
Did you know? ROOFERS are responsible for 50% of all fall related deaths in Colorado’s construction industry in 2021!
How can we make a change so you keep your livelihood and you go home to your family? Open discussion on effects of not using fall protection in roofing (stats, fatalities, incident descriptions) as well as compliance assistance resources that are out there.
Colorado Roofing Association
CRA Membership! What’s In It For Me? Membership in the Colorado Roofing Association sets your company apart! Come find out how.
5 Tips to Better Manage Your Roofing Business During Peak Storm Season. Helping roofing contractors make the most out of busy season by enabling you to accelerate the sales process and take on more jobs.
Door Prizes
Compliments of:
Handheld Hot Air Welder
Westech Plastic Welding Technologies
Two-wheel, wheelbarrow, with flat-free tires
Cleasby Manufacturing
Grip Rite coil roof nailer
PrimeSource Building Products, Inc.
Safety Bucket
ABC Supply
Safety Bucket
Elite Roofing Supply
Safety Bucket
Gulfeagle Supply
Safety Bucket
Spec Building Products
Thank you to our Sponsor
Lunch Sponsors:
ABC Supply
New Tech Machinery:
Owens Corning
SPS Metal
Bar & Stadium Cup Sponsors:
American Roofing Supply (SRS)
Denver Metal Supply
Elite Roofing Supply: Mike Lesisko
Malarkey Roofing
Entrance Unit Sponsor:
Lanyard Sponsor:
Entrance Bag Sponsor:
WiFi Sponsor:
Gulfeagle Supply