WEBINAR | Colo Labor & Employment Law Update
Concerning important labor and employment rules effective in 2021.
Event Details
Colorado Labor and Employment Law Update
Are you up to speed on Colorado equal pay and wage protections rules that went into effect on January 1, 2021.
Colorado's new laws on equal pay are significantly more thorough and now have unique requirements you must meet to stay in compliance. Promotions, job postings, sick leave and vacation time are all directly impacted by these new laws, and some provisions were set into motion immediately on January 1 due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
This program will address the top two new labor and employment laws:
- Equal pay for Equal Work Act – equal pay transparency rules
- Colorado Overtime and Minimum Pay Standards - wage protection rules
Whether you already know about the new laws and need help with what to do or you are unaware of them, join us on Apr 14 for compliance tips that will help you take the right steps to meet these new obligations as an employer in Colorado.
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
2:00 - 3:30 pm
Cost: $30/per member and $60/non-member per session.
*Zoom meeting details will be emailed upon registration.
Register to attend by clicking on the REGISTRATION OPTIONS link above.
CRA Member CIU’s = 2 per person per webinar
NOTE TO CRA MEMBERS: IN ORDER TO REGISTER AND TRACK CIUs, YOU MUST LOG-IN.* (Do not use the 'continue as guest' tab.)
*Once you've successfully logged-in, click the event tab, then view all events and select the event/course from your new dashboard to complete your registration. If you don't know your CRA login, click here for instructions on how to activate/create your account.
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For More Information:

Philip J. Siegel, Esq.
About the presenter...
Philip Siegel - Mr. Siegel’s practice focuses primarily in the areas of labor/employment law, including defense of OSHA citations, contract consulting, and construction litigation, including representation of general contractors, subcontractors and suppliers, all on a national basis.