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Pinpoint Seminar | Legal Exposures: Roofing Contractors Beware 

Interactive Legal Discussion with Stephen Phillips

Wednesday, December 11, 2019
10:30 AM - 2:30 PM (MST)
41 Seats Remaining

Event Details

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Legal Exposures: Roofing Contractors Beware 

Speaker: Stephen M. Phillips | Partner, Hendrick, Phillips, Salzman & Siegel, Atlanta.

Join us on Wednesday, December 11 for our last CRA Pinpoint seminar of 2019. We have invited Stephen Phillips back for another edition in our series of biennial workshops on "Legal Exposures: Roofing Contractors Beware!" 

The secret to long term success as a roofing contractor is to not only stay knowledgeable about roof systems, business management and industry issues but to also stay informed on how to avoid litigation, manage risk and protect your company from potentially disastrous legal liability.

This half-day seminar explores several issues of concern with contracts and contractor liability.  Because general contracting is governed by the law of contracts, a good construction contract is the foundation of a successful project. There are key clauses and principles every contractor & subcontractor needs to know to minimize risk.

Seminar topics will include: 

  • The Most Important Contract Provisions to Check in Contracts you are Asked to Sign - careful review of contracts can reduce risk for your organization. You need to be aware of provisions in contract documents that can prove to be beneficial...  or detrimental to you.

  • Colorado Case Law - There have been several interesting Colorado case decisions in the past two years affecting contractor liability. You don't want to miss this interactive portion of the workshop. 

  • Moisture in Concrete decks, update on Contingency Clauses in Contracts and much more!

You WILL NOT want to miss this low-cost opportunity to gain valuable legal knowledge for you and your business!

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The Denver Mart – Forum #1

451 E. 58th Ave (I-25 & 58th Ave)

10:30 am to 2:30 pm 

Cost:  $30/per member and $60/non-member.

(Lunch Included)

Register to attend by clicking on the REGISTRATION OPTIONS link above.

CRA Member CIU’s = 4 per person 

Cancellation Policy


December 11
10:15 AM Registration Open
10:30 AM - 10:40 PM Introductions & Announcements
10:40 AM - 12:00 PM Contract Provisions
12:00 PM - 12:40 PM Lunch
12:40 PM - 1:40 PM Colorado Case Law Discussion
1:40 PM - 1:50 PM Break
1:50 PM - 2:15 PM Contingency Contract Update & More
2:15 PM - 2:30 PM Questions

For More Information:

Debbie Hathorne
Debbie Hathorne
Executive Director Colorado Roofing Association

Stephen M. Phillips, Attorney


About the presenter...

Stephen M. Phillips is a Sr. partner at Hendrick Phillips Salzman & Siegel.  This practice focuses on legal issues pertaining to the construction industry and particularly the commercial roofing industry. He has gained national recognition concerning legal issues affecting the roofing industry and has been representing parties in commercial roofing matters for over 35 year.

Phillips has written and spoken extensively regarding construction law topics and construction litigation.  He has published articles on numerous construction topics such as insurance coverage applicable to construction disputes, measuring damages when there is defective construction, construction contracts, liquidated damages, mold claims, proprietary specifications, bid mistakes, anti-indemnity statutes, building code violations, bidder responsibility and bid responsiveness and the Spearin doctrine. See full bio.