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Code Updates, Denver GBO 2 Years Later & More

Learn to Defend Against | Related Building Code | Denver GBO

Tuesday, May 17, 2022
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM (MDT)
90 Seats Remaining

Event Details



Code Updates, GBO 2 Years Later, Ventillation and More!

Join us for a joint pinpoint seminar for CRA and IIBEC members to provide information on the new building codes, changes being implemented by local jurisdictions, legislative energy code mandates, steep slope roof ventilation, and the impact these have on the roofing industry.

  • Significant Changes in the 2021 ICC building codes and expected changes from the 2024 code hearings (ASCE 7/22, etc.)
  • Code Changes - most recent/major municipality code updates/changes (i.e., Boulder has gone to 150 mph, Denver requiring the WUFI analysis as part of permitting process for both new and re-roofs, etc.)
  • Denver GBO Update – Two Years Later.
  • HB22-1362 Passed- which requires cities and counties to update their building energy codes to increase energy efficiency and cut the climate pollution from new homes and commercial buildings beginning July 1, 2023.  (On way to Governor for signature).
  • Ventilating Steep Slope Reroofs as required in the building codes. Vapor retarders and air barriers on low slope roofs. Potential for damage and liability with improper venting has increased with code changes and the use of synthetic felt. Advocating for proper roof ventilation - survey link

This half day seminar will provide information and resources to assist you in planning for and complying with recent code changes. You will also gain knowledge on what questions you need to ask the building departments, so that you can move forward on your projects.

We know many of you want to get back to in-person events, so we hope to see you there.  Snacks, beverages, and networking give that added value!  (A virtual option will also be available.)

Speaker Panel:  Dan Cupit, Professional Construction Services, Kade Gromowski, Terracon Consultants, and John Gimple with Gimple Roof Engineers.

You WILL NOT want to miss this low-cost opportunity to gain valuable knowledge for you and your business!

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

1:00 - 4:00 pm

Hybrid Pricing:  $50 In-person / $25 Virtual

Register to attend by clicking on the registration link above.

Register to attend by clicking on the REGISTRATION OPTIONS link above.

CRA Member CIU’s = 4 per person | RCI Member CEU = 2.5

Cancellation Policy


May 17
12:45 PM Registration Opens
1:00 PM Welcome & Seminar Prompt Start
4:00 PM Adjourn

For More Information:

Debbie Hathorne
Debbie Hathorne
Executive Director Colorado Roofing Association

Parking & Road Construction Alert!

Parking - the CRA Training center has about 10 parking spots available in front, after that please plan on using street parking on 17th.

Chambers Road Construction Update - Starting May 9, northbound Chambers Road will be fully closed for three weeks between 17th Avenue and Montview Boulevard which impacts travel to the CRA Training Center. Southbound is ok and you will be able to turn on 17th. But, we do suggest you enter/exit the business complex at the Colfax & Jasper St. intersection. After the seminar, use either Airport Road or 225 to get back on I-70.

Please take our Ventilation Survey

The growing demand for cleaner air, sustainability, and energy efficiency is having a significant effect on building performance that increases the risk for contractors and design professionals.  We must determine accurate attic ventilation needs for steep slope roof ventilation in order to mitigate this risk.

Please share a few minutes of your time to help us answer the following survey on Steep Slope Roof Ventilation.