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CRA 2019 Golf Tournament

Friday, August 16, 2019
7:00 AM - 2:00 PM (MDT)
Event Sold Out

Event Details

Click for 2019 Golf Photo Gallery

Join us for the 37th Annual CRA Golf Tournament to be held at West Woods Golf Club in Arvada, CO. 

West Woods Golf Course has 27 holes of golf which will allow us to have 216 golfers on the course at one time. All golfers will be playing 18 holes of golf with a tee off at 8:00 am on three different rotations. West Woods has 3 unique 9-hole courses; the Sleeping Indian, Cottonwood and Silo. The 27-hole format breaks down in the following way - 1/3 of our players will play Sleeping Indian/Cottonwood, 1/3 on Cottonwood/Silo, and 1/3 on Silo/Sleeping Indian.

CRA's tournament sells out quickly... so be sure to sign up early to guarantee your spot(s) in the tournament and to take advantage of the early bird pricing! We have an exciting event planned that's sure to offer you a fun and competitive round of golf with friends and roofing associates alike! See below for additional details.

 37th Annual CRA Golf Tournament Highlights

18 Holes - Scramble Format
Range Balls
Bag Handling
Goodie Bag
Breakfast Burrito & Coffee 
Lunch, awards & door prize ceremony
Hole-in-One Prize
Closest to the Pin Contest - Men
Closest to the Pin Contest Women
Longest Drive Contest - Men 
Longest Drive Contest - Women
Chipping Contest
Kiddie Pool Challenge - *New
Air Cannon

Entry Fees Member - EARLY BIRD - Until 7-15-19

Individual - $190
Foursome - $740

Entry Fees Member  - On or after 7-16-19

Individual - $210
Foursome - $820

Sign up today! We will max the tournament at 216 Players!

Click the REGISTRATION OPTION button above.

All reservations accepted on a first come first served basis.

>> Non-Members - You are welcome to participate in the tournament.  Click the registration tab above to see Non-Member pricing. <<


MAYBE YOU ARE NOT A GOLFER...BUT STILL WANT TO PARTICIPATE IN OUR ANNUAL TOURNAMENT. We are looking for volunteers to help us with our on course contests. This is a half day commitment starting at 8am until all players have completed the course at approximately 1pm and then you are welcome to stay for lunch and the Awards/Prize presentation. We would welcome the help!  Please email Debbie Hathorne if you're interested in volunteering your time on Aug 19th.

For More Information:

Debbie Hathorne
Debbie Hathorne
Executive Director Colorado Roofing Association


West Woods Golf Club
6655 Quaker Street 
Arvada, CO 80007
Pro Shop: 720-898-7370


Registration:  7:00 a.m.
Shotgun Start: 8:00 a.m.
Luncheon & Awards Ceremony to be held upon completion of tournament.  


Parking is tight with a tournament of our size...we encourage you and your teammates to carpool.


All cancellations must be received in writing by email to Debbie Hathorne or by mail to: CRA, PO Box 740550, Arvada CO 80002. Any refunds due will be issued with-in two weeks of the date cancel notice is received as follows: 75% refund on or before 8-9-19. No refund after 8-10-19.


Sponsor the CRA Golf Tournament and your company name will be displayed at the clubhouse, in the monthly newsletters timely to the tournament, on the CRA Website and on a hole sign or beverage cart if applicable.  You can also provide a “Goody Bag” item with your logo or DONATE a prize for the awards program.  Click below for opportunities.

Sponsorship Opportunities Still Available.
Current 2019 Sponsors. Thank you!