Looking for a Trusted Colorado Roofer?

Whenever Colorado weather, particularly hail, rips through a community, homeowners are faced with the task of hiring a roofing contractor to repair the damage. The Colorado Roofing Association, a non-profit organization whose purpose is to help educate individuals and building owners about roofing in Colorado, would like to remind home and commercial building owners alike to:

Review Colorado Residential Roofing Law

Be sure to educate yourself on the new requirements before selecting a contractor for your roof repair needs.

  • Review SB38 Statute – Colorado Consumer Protection / Residential Roofing Bill (C.R.S 6-22-101 to 6-22-105).
  • Review SB38 FACTSHEETS for the items to look for when selecting a roofing contractor.
  • Follow #NoRoofScams this summer to learn more about how consumers can avoid being the victims of unethical roofing contractors and find reputable roofing contractors.
Beware of Door to Door Roofing Solicitors
Be Patient

Take time to follow the necessary steps and understand that quality contractors will be busy shortly after a major storm. Find out what you need and who you’re working with! If your roof isn’t leaking, it can usually wait until the contractor you feel most comfortable with can schedule your roof. Insurance companies will usually extend time requirements in disaster situations.

Call your Insurance Company

It is solely the insurance adjuster’s job to assess the damage. It is the homeowner’s responsibility to choose the roofing contractor. Deductibles and insurance quotes should remain between the homeowner and the insurance company. A roofing contractor should not get involved in paying a deductible for a homeowner. It is illegal for a roofing contractor to offer to cover your deductible either in full or with coupon or advertising allowance (Colorado Revised Statute 18-13-119.5). They shouldn’t need to see an insurance quote in order to be able to do an INITIAL estimate for you.

Understanding the Claims Process – to understand how the homeowners claim process works, we also suggest you visit the Rocky Mountain Insurance Information Association’s website. RMIIA has helpful information to answer your insurance questions and a step-by-step guide to educate you on the insurance settlement process. Reviewing their “Hail Statistic” page will also help you become more informed and offers additional tips on what to do after a hail storm including a Hail Preparedness Toolkit flyer.

If you believe you’ve been approached by an unlicensed contractor or adjuster, or have been encouraged to fabricate an insurance claim, contact your insurance company or the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) immediately at 800-835-6422 or submit a form online at www.nicb.org/reportfraud.

Select a Trusted, Reliable and Local Roofing Company

CRA contractor members, upon joining the association, fulfill the following eligibility requirements:

  1. A roofing contractor business license showing that the company has been in operation for a minimum of two years, issued by a Colorado municipality or jurisdiction that requires a test for licensing; or roofing contractor business licenses showing that the company has been in business for at least two years issued by two Colorado municipalities that do not require a test for licensing.
  2. A current Colorado Worker’s Compensation Certificate reflecting roofing or sheet metal classification.
  3. A certificate of insurance showing general liability protection of at least $500,000.00.
  4. Sign and abide by the CRA Code of Ethics.
  5. Evidence of passing a nationally recognized examination that address roofing work on residential and/or commercial property (National Building Contractor A, B, C & Standard Roofing From IBC or ICC accepted).
  6. A fixed address with a physical location in Colorado.

Search for a CRA Contractor Member


CRA is not responsible for the workmanship or warranties of member contractors.

The CRA is not a consumer agency and can not handle disputes between consumers and contractors. Please review the content in this site for general information about how to select a professional roofing contractor. For specific disputes, please contact the Better Business Bureau nearest you.